“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah called out Democrats interfering in the midterm elections during an appearance on MSNBC Wednesday night.
The left-wing comedian scolded Democrats for spending millions in Republican primaries to boost “extreme” candidates that they felt they could beat in the general election.
“The fact that there are still Democratic machines that are funding extreme Republicans, basically putting them forward. I think that it is gross negligence,” he told host Alex Wagner.
Noah again slammed the “grossly negligent” Democrats for allowing far-right candidates to win primaries because he feared they might actually beat their Democratic opponents.
“You know, forget everything else you’re trying to do in life, it is grossly negligent to say that ‘I believe this person is going to destroy democracy. Do you know what I’ll do? I’ll take money that people have donated to our campaigns and use it to prop them up, because I think that they will be easier to beat.’ But are you willing to take the risk that this person may be easier to beat? You don’t remember what happened with Donald Trump? It turned out he was a lot harder to beat than you thought,” he lectured.
Noah also blamed Trump’s 2016 win on the media giving the “entertaining” candidate excessive attention during the election cycle.
“I think the media, learned a lesson, I think every news outlet went, ‘Oh wow. we thought it was a joke, we played with the joke, and now he turned it on us.’ I don’t know if the genie will ever go back into the bottle, but I think the media can ask itself questions about the whys. Why? Why do we put people on? What are we trying to get from this? Is it a ratings push? If it is, just be honest,” he argued.
The Comedy Central host has occasionally called out hypocrisy within the Democratic Party on his show. Last December, he attacked Democratic politicians for acting “worse” than Republicans by ignoring their own coronavirus rules.
Last month, Noah announced that he would soon be ending his seven-year tenure as host of “The Daily Show.”