Fox News host Steve Hilton ripped President Biden for wanting to “vote every single Republican out of office” on “The Next Revolution.”
STEVE HILTON: He’s recklessly exploiting America’s fault lines for his own partisan advantage, it’s become almost pathological the way they do the exact thing they accuse everyone else of. That’s why they allowed mobs of militant protesters to illegally demonstrate outside Supreme Court justices’ homes over a decision they didn’t like. Why they weaponized the DOJ and the FBI to go after their political opponents, pushed law enforcement onto concerned parents now branded domestic terrorists, at the same time, pulling law enforcement off actual criminals, defunding the police, demoralizing the police with pro-criminal district attorneys, letting America’s cities descend into squalor, crime and chaos.
They want a new army of IRS agents, training them in armed combat, no doubt to pursue political opponents, while allowing their own billionaire pro-crime activist George Soros to avoid taxes through partisan voter registration schemes that illegally abuse charity law. Time after time, they pushed policies to control everyone else, but not themselves. Closing public schools while their kids’ private schools stay open. Pushing gun control while stashing their own guns in their own homes. De-funding the police while they travel around with their own armed private security.
Championing illegal immigration, but only in your town, not theirs. They call Republicans violent extremists, but it was a Democrat politician in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago who brutally murdered a journalist investigating his corruption.
This week, an 18-year-old was brutally murdered, mowed down by a man who claimed he did it because he thought the teen was part of a Republican extremist group. Not a word from Biden condemning political violence carried out by Democrats. Under Biden, the Democrats have descended into the absolute depths of political cynicism and extremism. Exactly what you’d expect from a weak, corrupt, mediocre machine politician totally controlled by his hard left activist base. Unbelievably, Biden still brags about how bipartisan he wants to be.