Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said his Democratic opponent Val Demings has pandered to the far left to fit in with the party Monday on “Hannity.”
SEN MARCO RUBIO: Val Demings would be the most liberal senator Florida has ever had. She has extreme positions on every issue. She votes with Pelosi 100% of the time, which is why Schumer wants her in the Senate. She was a police officer and went to Washington and basically turned her back on the police department. That makes it worse because she knows better. She knows better, but she wanted to be picked as the vice-president of a party that’s been overtaken by Marxist misfits and radical leftists. And so, when she was trying to become popular with the left, so that they would maybe choose her to be Biden’s vice president, she turned her back on police officers.
In fact, voted for bills that allow you to sue police officers individually and the like. Almost every sheriff in Florida, we have 66 elected sheriffs, 57 of them have endorsed my campaign because they saw that and know her record in Congress. She doesn’t even like to tell people she’s been in Congress for 6 years. She goes around calling herself Chief Demings instead of Congresswoman Demings because she’s never gotten anything done, and she’s voted wrong and against Florida’s interests and against common sense and on behalf of the radical left 100% of the time.
Her vision is whatever they tell her the vision needs to be on the far left. She’s going to vote with them 100% of the time. What vision is that? It’s a vision that will destroy this country. Voting in favor of allowing schools to indoctrinate children and turn boys into girls. It’s the theory of allowing the country to be overrun. Our border, it’s not even immigration- this is a mass-migration catastrophe. It’s that vision. And if anybody criticizes you, you either criminalize political opposition or you call people racists or fascists or whatever -ists they can come up with. That’s their vision. That’s what she’s done in her time in the House, that’s what she’s voted for, that’s what she’ll vote for if she gets in the Senate. They are one vote away in the Senate from passing anything they want – they will get rid of the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, they’ll take over elections from the federal level. They’ll spend $4 trillion, not just $800 billion. They will destroy America if we don’t stop them.