This is a rush transcript from “Life, Liberty & Levin,” November 6, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, America. I’m Mark Levin, and this is LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.
And our show tonight is the last show before Tuesday’s election. So, it’s very, very important and I know many of you are watching.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? You know, we had to fight a Civil War in the 1860s to defeat the Democratic Party when it stood for slavery, when it was abusing Black people, and then it sought to break away from the union with a great leader, Abraham Lincoln, a Republican.
And we’ve had to fight the Democratic Party really before that point, and to the point today. This is a party that’s never embraced Americanism. It’s a party that’s always used racism — used racism, for most of its existence against Black people and other minorities. And today, it has a strange sort of anti-White racism that you hear on TV, and so forth.
Joe Biden is the head of the Democratic Party. He speaks for the Democratic Party, and he says things to America and about Americans that no President has ever said, ever. Even in the middle of a Civil War, even in the middle of World War Two.
Joe Biden gives speeches in which he trashes the American people, just like Hillary Clinton does, just like Barack Obama does. That threesome — deplorables, White supremacists, insurrectionists, threats to democracy, racists, semi fascists.
This is new in American history. We’re not used to hearing so-called leaders talk about the American people this way or half the American people this way.
It really started with Obama, and it was picked up by Hillary Clinton. And Joe Biden, he is not smart enough to think for himself. When he first came to the Senate, he picked up the language of a racist and segregationist Eastland, among others from Mississippi. Then he picked up the language and the hate of Ted Kennedy, which was used against conservatives and Republicans. And now of course, he has picked it up from Obama and Hillary Clinton.
And so this is what we’re confronting in this election, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden’s language, his attacks on the American people. LINCOLN, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, they never spoke about the American people this way. They spoke to the American people, praised the American people, thanked the American people — but they despise us.
The modern Democratic Party despises We, the People. They don’t want to represent us, they want to rule over us, and that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. Look at the candidates that they have nominated this year to the United States Senate, which is the most radical hate America, anti- prosperity group of candidates in American history.
Mandela Barnes running in Wisconsin, who wants to open the floodgates of our prisons and let out criminals including murderers. And down the list, ultra-left wing Marxists. Look at Raphael Warnock in Georgia. A complete — a complete radical leftist who has voted for high inflation, who’s voted to not secure the border, who’s voted for 87,000 new IRS agents to chase average Americans all over the country.
Look at John Fetterman in Pennsylvania. He is a Bernie Sanders knockoff, if not worse. He wanted to open the prisons in Pennsylvania. He was on the Parole Board voting by himself to let murderer after murderer out of prison.
He said nothing about how he would secure the border. And all of a sudden he’s for fracking when we know he opposes fracking. He is a radical.
Look at Cheri Beasley running in North Carolina. Another hardcore leftist. These aren’t so-called moderates. Look in Nevada, Catherine Cortez Masto. She is an incumbent. When she is silent, she is voting the party line, the Joe Biden radical line, the Schumer radical line, but she campaigns essentially on one issue, abortion-on-demand. That is partial birth abortion, infanticide. She thinks Nevadans are very, very committed to that and that’s her issue.
Look at Arizona, Mark Kelly, probably worse than the out of the closet radical Marxists. He pretends to be a moderate, a former astronaut, when in fact he facilitates the radical left’s agenda in every respect.
Look at Utah, you have a reprobate by the name of Evan McMullin. He was a Republican, a never Trumper, then he runs as an Independent with the full endorsement of the Democratic Party, with the silent endorsement of RINO Republicans to try and take out Mr. Conservative in the Senate, Mike Lee. He’s a disgrace. He’s a chameleon.
Look at Murkowski in Alaska. Her biggest backer is Mitch McConnell. They have poured $9 million into her race. She is running against whom, under their bizarre system that Murkowski put in place, a solid citizen candidate who’s a conservative? Kelly Tshibaka, who’s backed by the Republican Party of Alaska, but the Kentucky Senator, Mitch McConnell, wants Murkowski. She is a sure vote for him.
Look at New York for Governor, Hochul. Hochul is a disaster. She wasn’t elected the first time around. She is pro-criminal. She is pro-illegal immigrant. She is pro-taxes. She’s just not pro-New Yorkers.
Look at Whitmer in Michigan. She is running against a terrific candidate. Whitmer is pro-lockdowns. She would be great as a dictator of Michigan, but Michigan has a Constitution, and she is not free to be a dictator, despite her best efforts.
Look at Wisconsin, Tony Evers, a complete radical leftist lightweight in the State of Wisconsin and I could go on and on.
So the Democrats have put up for candidates for the Senate, for the House, and for Governor the most radical people that they could find. Why? Why? Because they want to fundamentally transform America. Don’t you remember what Barack Obama said? And they’re doing it.
The borders are wide open. Five million foreigners have come into this country. Where are they? What are they doing? What are their backgrounds?
The drug cartels in Mexico, getting fentanyl from the Communist Chinese, they control our Southern border. Why? Because Biden is allowing it. What have any of these Democrats said about it? Next to nothing. What have any of those Democrats who seek reelection done about it? Absolutely nothing.
What are they going to do about inflation? They created inflation. They said they want to spend more. They say more deficit spending will reduce inflation. Really? They are not only economic illiterates, they are ideological fools and they are going to keep pressing their agenda.
Now, you folks are going to have less heating oil this winter. Maybe you don’t know it yet, but you will. You can thank the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is at war with oil. So, they trash the oil companies, they trash the food companies, they trash the farmers, but it’s the Democratic Party, Big Democrat that is destroying America and the livelihood for average Americans in this country.
And if they get their way, they’re going to double, triple, quadruple down to a point that we can never return no matter what future election show.
Now let’s look at something else here. The fundamentals of the United States. Why are we a great country and a great people? Why have we had prosperity and freedom? Because we believe in these principles. We believe in our founding, we believe in our founders, we believe in our history. The Democratic Party does not.
All these people tearing down monuments, bringing pornography in our schools, they vote Democrat. I’ll tell you that Democrats are deniers. They like to say we’re election deniers despite the fact that they denied the election of 2000, 2004, and 2016, and they’re prepared to deny the next one and in 2024 says Hillary. They are deniers.
What do they deny? Individual liberty, private property rights, economic prosperity, the civil society, the rule of law. What else do the Democrats deny? Civil stability, economic predictability, national security.
What else do they deny? The family, morality, and faith. Oh, they’re deniers, all right, and they want to impose their radical agenda on We, the American people. And if we don’t accept that, they berate us.
Republican candidates on the contrary, what do they want to do? They want to defend our country. We have fabulous candidates running for office. Vast majority of them are not establishment Republicans. They come from varying backgrounds and experiences. But they all agree on one thing, this country is in a hell of a bad way. And the only way to begin the process of stopping what’s going on is to remove the people who’ve done this to you. And to make sure other people who want to do more of this to you never set foot in the Capitol Building.
You, We, the American people are a tremendous people. We are a patriotic people.
We’ve saved the world multiple times from Marxism and fascism. You’ve sent your young boys and women off to war, and many of them have not come back, to defend people and defend countries that we know nothing about.
This is a great country, despite what Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden and the Democratic Party say about us. That’s what this election is about. Liberty or tyranny? I say liberty.
For God’s sakes, make sure you vote on Tuesday if you haven’t already voted, and make sure you take people with you and contact them.
You’re the Thomas Paine’s. Do not rely on party figures or somebody in Washington, DC. It’s up to each one of you.
I’ll be right back.
LEVIN: Welcome back, America.
We’re with Dr. Mehmet Oz who is running for the Senate in Pennsylvania. He is well known to most of you.
Dr. Oz, your opponent, his views are very well-known and they’re very extreme even though his campaign is spending tens of millions of dollars to try to alter them. He is probably the most pro-criminal candidate running in America today. He is also the most pro-radical left spending candidate running in America today, despite massive inflation and massive crime.
DR. MEHMET OZ (R), PENNSYLVANIA SENATE CANDIDATE: He just cannot defend his radical views and I argued that these extreme positions that he takes are out of touch with Pennsylvania values.
And I’ll just give you a couple examples: Fracking, something that is vital to the economic well-being of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but it’s also important to protecting our environment, because natural gas is one of the best ways of doing that, it is vital for national security, and it would drop the inflation rate because energy prices probably drive about a third of inflation.
He has called fracking and drilling a stain on Pennsylvania, signed a document asking for a moratorium on it, pushed to close the Keystone pipeline. I’m going to quote him on this just a few years ago said “I don’t support fracking at all, I never have,” and yet in the debate, he kept saying that he was in favor of fracking.
So I see him take both these positions at the same time on the same stage and it was the moderators asking the questions. And I told the public, the voters of Pennsylvania, this is the exact same scenario with crime, with the economy, with drugs. He is taking positions so far to the left of where the average voter is that there is no way they could identify with them.
And I would argue that Washington is getting it wrong because of these radical positions, and what we need is balance, to be able to actually fix the problems that voters complain to me about all the time.
What’s interesting, Mark, to your point is the night of the debate, he raised several million dollars. People were throwing money at him because they realized that they needed to be able to circle the wagons and just get the seat for the Democrats, and I want us to fight back. If you agree, go to
We’ve been able to generate a lot of excitement for the campaign. We’re going to win, but we need your help to make sure I can tell the truth about John Fetterman more than he lies about me.
LEVIN: What is the Fetterman plan for reducing crime in the State of Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia, where his party controls the District Attorney slot, the Mayor slot, the Council there? Soros has a big influence on what’s going on in Philadelphia.
I’m born in Philadelphia raised in Pennsylvania. What exactly would Fetterman do? How will he get control over the situation since he has been anti-cop, pro-criminal, pro-Soros, and all the rest of it?
OZ: They have no plan, Mark, none. They have no agenda for prosperity in general. It’s a major difference between Democrats and Republicans in this campaign.
He has wanted to protect criminals over the interests of the innocent, in fact seeming to care more about the criminals than the innocent victims over and over again. He wants to release one-third of all prisoners.
He said if he had a magic wand, he would want to get rid of life in prison for felony murder and 25 times, he pushed to release murderers from jail who had been convicted by a jury, sentenced by a Judge, and he wanted to do it over the wishes of other members of the Parole Board, as well as the families of those injured.
And I’m thinking, why is that your number one goal? Why are you so focused on that? What about dealing with the other crises that our Commonwealth is facing what you could have done as lieutenant governor? You know, he only showed up for work, maybe half to two-thirds at a time. He never missed a Parole Board meeting.
And if you’re in Philadelphia right now, Mark, and since you’re from here, as I am, the businesses are leaving, people within the city say they feel like they’re part of a social experiment.
And when I went to get the Fraternal Order of Police endorsement, it was unanimous. They are so upset that no one is letting them do their jobs, they just want change. And I promised them and I will deliver on this, that we’re going to let cops do their job. I also want prosecutors to do their job and political figures should do their jobs, to stick up for the people running towards a crisis. Make them feel respected, fund them, allow them to succeed.
Right now, if you’re a police officer, and you go after someone and something happens, you’re blamed. If you do apprehend the culprit, they’re released, and no one thanks you for a job well done. So no surprises, retirement rates are way up over 40 percent, and they can’t get new young cops to join the force.
We all have to do this together.
And listen, in surgery, Mark, we deal with big problems like a broken heart, literally, we don’t fix it by dividing, we fix it by unifying the team.
We’ve got to do the same thing to deal with the crime wave in Pennsylvania, and it’s not just Philadelphia, it is all across the Commonwealth.
LEVIN: In the short time we have left, education. Parents are very upset about what’s going on in the classrooms, the indoctrination and critical race theory, the war against the nuclear family, all kinds of pornography in elementary school libraries. What exactly could Fetterman do about that since his party is backed by the very union that’s promoting these things?
OZ: He never challenges the Teachers Union and this is a major problem because families all around Pennsylvania want security for their kids and they want them to get a fair education, so they should have choice of the schools their kids go to.
And the number one reason they argue for putting their kids in charter school, the parochial school is safety. And not surprisingly, because Fetterman wants to decriminalize all drugs. He has already argued for sanctuary cities, which we have now, Philadelphia is a sanctuary city. So it prevents law enforcement from again, working with Federal law enforcement officers to take these guys out.
But when this was done in Oregon, which Fetterman supported, there was a 50 percent increase in homicide rates, and parents now are finding in their mailboxes products delivered that have fentanyl in them that could hurt their children.
We have to stand up for families. The Republican Party believes in family values. We have good ideas. Let’s win this election on Tuesday and make sure we implement that.
And if I can leave people with one last question that I ask every voter to think about, this is no question that you should be asking your friends because we’ve got to get everyone out there voting, you’ve got to get a bunch of friends to join you: Are you happy with the country’s direction? That’s the key question.
If your friend says, yes, take their car keys away, they should not be driving in that condition. But if they say no, which two out of three people are going to say no. Then tell them, I’m the candidate for change. I believe in the American Dream. I’m an embodiment of it. My father was an immigrant, as was my mom.
I know we can get this. And most importantly, I believe in you. Together, we will make this happen.
So join me on Tuesday, let’s win this election.
LEVIN: Fantastic. Well, we wish you all the best, Dr. Oz. You’ve become a good friend. You are a fantastic heart surgeon and television host, and I think you would be a great senator for the people of Pennsylvania.
All the best to you, sir.
OZ: God bless you. Take care.
LEVIN: We’ll be right back.
JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to “FOX News Live,” I’m Jon Scott in New York.
Candidates now entering the homestretch with only two days to go until the Midterm Elections. Control of the House and Senate hang in the balance as heavy hitters from both sides of the aisle continue to campaign for their parties.
President Biden was in New York tonight stumping for Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, who’s running a neck and neck race against Republican challenger, Lee Zeldin.
Former President Obama and Clinton also lent a helping hand for Team Blue this weekend.
Former President Trump spent this day in Miami leading a rally for Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s reelection bid. As of tonight, data from the US Election Project shows nearly 40 million Americans already have cast their votes, either in person or by mail.
I’m Jon Scott. Back now to LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN.
And for all your headlines, log on to
LEVIN: Welcome back, America.
It’s great to have Blake Masters with us. He is running for the Senate in Arizona, and it is a remarkable race like all these races, but he is doing it without one penny from the Senate Leadership Fund, which is Mitch McConnell’s fund.
So a lot of you are supporting him. It’s grassroots bottom up.
Blake Masters, you’re on a border state. That’s pretty obvious. There’s a lot to do to protect your people and the State from people coming over the border, foreigners, many of whom you know nothing about, many of whom are in the drug trade, many of whom are dragged across the border by these drug cartels. It’s horrendous down there.
And you’re working to fight not just a foreign government in Mexico and these other governments, but our own government, Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Now as an outsider, I’m not from Arizona, but I haven’t heard Mark Kelly do a damn thing when Congress is actually meeting. He is not leading any charge. He’s not leading any fight to secure the border. What’s the status there?
Mark Kelly, I mean, he talks a big game. He says I’ve been focused on the border since day one. And you know what? He is just lying through his teeth.
Mark Kelly has supported all of Joe Biden’s crazy open borders policies. Literally, Mark Kelly helped Joe Biden at every step. They just surrendered our sovereignty to the Mexican drug cartels. I knew it was going to be bad day one when Biden, right, he signed an executive order halting construction of the border wall. Why would you do that?
The border wall was almost finished. It was working. Right? But then it got worse from there. Joe Biden and Mark Kelly, they disempowered our brave men and women of Border Patrol and ICE by laying out the welcome mat for illegal aliens. They basically blocked ICE from being able to deport anybody.
This is the greatest country in the history of the world. So, if you throw its borders wide open, and you tell illegal aliens, “Hey, come on, in. Come on in, entire world.” People are going to come here. They are going to create a crisis and that’s why more than four and a half million human beings have been trafficked by the Mexican drug cartels working hand in hand, apparently with Joe Biden and Mark Kelly into our country in just the last 21 months, four and a half million illegals.
We, of course bear the brunt of this in Arizona. You know, over 300,000 people cross the Southern border every single month, mostly in Arizona and Texas. It is a humanitarian disaster. It is causing crime in our big cities. Homicide is up 50 percent in Phoenix. In my hometown of Tucson, homicide is up 87 percent since 2019. That means, almost double the number of people are getting murdered. Right?
And speaking of people dying, how about the fentanyl? We still don’t talk enough about fentanyl.
Mark Kelly never wants to talk about fentanyl. He didn’t do a single thing about this problem, I think for the whole 20 months, the whole 20 months had been in the Senate. Not a single thing from Mark Kelly on fentanyl.
I’m sick of it, Arizonans that I talk to, Republican, Democrat, Independent, they are sick of it, too. We need to secure the border.
I’m actually going to do that. Mark Kelly, he talks a big game. He’s proven that he’s just going to go in line with Joe Biden’s open borders policy. It’s crazy and it’s killing people. It will stop when I’m in the US Senate.
LEVIN: Well, he is the incumbent and the proof is in the pudding. He has hasn’t.
Let me ask you this about inflation. Mark Kelly has voted for every inflationary bill that Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have wanted. When he came into office, we had twenty-five, twenty-six trillion dollars in debt as a nation. We now have $31 trillion in debt, over $6 trillion voted in the last 20 months, so how would a man like that who was one of the leaders in driving up the cost of everything and driving down the value of the currency, the value of a paycheck, how is he going to fix what he broke?
MASTERS: He’s not. He’s just lying again. I understand why he’s lying, that’s all he’s got. His record is indefensible, so how could you expect him to defend it?
Now, he’s got to lie and pretend, oh, I’ve been fighting inflation in the US Senate. No, Mark Kelly has done more than literally anyone to help Joe Biden cause this massive inflation.
Again, here in Arizona, we bear the brunt of it. I don’t want to minimize anyone else’s suffering around the country. I know we’re all dealing with inflation, but inflation right here in Maricopa County, the biggest county in Arizona, is the highest in the nation at 13 percent.
Mark, get this, you know what Mark Kelly, my opponent’s explanation for inflation is? He literally says, well, this is what happens. All the greedy businessmen, they get together, the corporations, and they all decide to raise prices at the same time. They are price gouging. He says this is the fault of capitalism.
And it’s like either Mark Kelly is so dull that he actually thinks that’s the way it works, in which case he is manifestly unfit to serve, or you know what I actually think? I think he’s more clever than that. He knows that that’s a lie. He knows that the inflation has been caused by he and Joe Biden spending $6 trillion. They print and spend $6 trillion.
Well, my eight-year-old knows that’s going to cause inflation, right? When the government just prints money, when they print a trillion dollars, it makes every dollar in your wallet worth less and less. You just inject more money into the system, chasing the same amount of goods and services, that’s going to cause inflation. It’s going to make prices at the pump, prices at the grocery store, your rent prices keep going up and up and up.
So if we give Mark Kelly any more time in office to rubber stamp Joe Biden’s agenda, pretty soon, inflation won’t just be 13 percent, it will be twenty, twenty-five percent, and then you get hyperinflation, the kind that ruins and destroys countries.
LEVIN: You know what bothers me about Mark Kelly, Blake is, even worse than these out of the closet radical Marxists, he pretends to be something he is not. So he truthfully lacks character in that regard.
You know, these other guys at least they’re beating their chests, or they have a record of it. He sort of tries to stay under the radar, pretends to be a moderate, pretends to appeal to Republicans and Independents, while spending millions of millions trying to paint you as some kind of an oddball and a crackpot, when in fact, he has a unique position in a 50/50 Senate to do what your other senator had done from time to time, at least bargain to a point where Arizona gets a better deal, but he is so in the tank, you wouldn’t even do that.
MASTERS: That’s right. You know, at least Bernie Sanders. I mean, he’s wrong about everything, but Bernie Sanders will at least look you in the eye and tell you what he is. Right? He admits it.
He says he’s a far left radical socialist. And hey, that’s not what we need. We need to go the opposite direction. But there’s a shred, a shred of honesty there. Well, Mark Kelly, he votes the same way that Bernie Sanders votes in the United States Senate, in fact, even worse, I think he votes more in lockstep with the Democratic Party.
So he is functionally just as dangerous to our Republic as Bernie Sanders is, except he is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Now, he is on Arizonans television screens with fancy ads, saying he is a moderate. He’s an Independent. Well, it’s just a lie. It’s just a lie.
LEVIN: Blake Master, you’ve run a hell of a campaign, despite all the slings and arrows that have been fired at you from the media and from the 10s of millions of dollars spent against you, not one penny of help from Mitch McConnell, and you’re in there slugging away. Just make sure Arizona, you have an opportunity to have an outstanding senator, I wish you all the best, sir.
MASTERS: Thank you. Full speed ahead. We’re going to sprint through the finish line. Everybody get out and vote. Get three friends to vote. Red wave incoming. Thank you, Mark.
LEVIN: We’ll be right back
LEVIN: Great man running for the Senate in North Carolina, Ted Budd who I have come to know has been a terrific a member of the House of Representatives, he is a very, very solid and principled man running against another radical.
Ted Budd, I see a pattern here. The Republican candidates are very patriotic, very pro-American, very pro-property rights and business and very concerned about working men and women, whether they’re blue collar, white collar, union or non-union and the Democrats are very concerned about themselves and their party and power, same thing in North Carolina.
TED BUDD (R), NORTH CAROLINA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: That’s what we’re seeing. You know, we are out there campaigning in all 100 counties. We’re talking to real folks. We’re visiting early voting poll sites, talking to real people, while you know, my opponent, Cheri Beasley, who would be a complete stamp for Joe Biden brings in celebrity guests. That’s completely out of touch with where we are here in North Carolina.
We want people that can fix inflation, that know how to deal with crime, and then want to give parents a say in their kid’s education and that’s not where Cheri Beasley is.
LEVIN: Now, on your latter point. This is very interesting, because in the State of Virginia, where I have lived much of my life, this has been a big issue: Republican, Democrat, Independent parents care about their kids. They don’t really care about political parties, and they’re duking it out with the educational bureaucracy, they’re duking it out with the National Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, which means they’re duking it out with the Democratic Party.
If the Republicans don’t take the Senate, if you don’t win, it’s going to get worse in these classrooms, isn’t it?
BUDD: Absolutely. You know, people talk about teachers and I look I come from a family of teachers. My wife and I both have degrees in education, so we’re actually — I mean, we are a hundred percent pro-education, but when you look at what Cheri Beasley is for, it’s about the teachers unions, about bureaucracy, it’s about more decisions being made in Washington DC; more leftist woke socialist agenda being pushed on these kids and their precious six to eight hours of school every day, and that’s why these kids are going backwards now.
When you measure nine-year-olds, like they did about eight weeks ago, they said, you know, they have gone backwards in decades, or even as far as back as we can remember, but they went backwards under these Democrat policies that kept kids home, inserted these completely off topic, unnecessary leftist woke socialist agenda.
And now you look at ACT scores, every measurement for education under the Democratic control makes things worse for us and that doesn’t bode well for our future.
LEVIN: My question to you is this, as you campaign across your State and your opponent, can you name three things your opponent supports that would create prosperity and that would expand liberty for the individual?
BUDD: Well, you’ve caught me flatfooted on that answer, because there is nothing that she would support that makes life better for us here in North Carolina, or in our country. But everything that I support, I mean, I’m about being pro-energy, being pro-work, rolling back regulations, and being — you know, giving more opportunity to those that want to start small businesses and everything that they’ve done, it makes it hard to put groceries on the table.
You know, about two months ago, when parents were getting their kids back in school, they’re saying, “I don’t know how I’m going to buy new blue jeans, a new backpack and put gas in my tank and groceries on my table in the very same week.” Everything that Joe Biden has done is everything that Cheri Beasley would do.
And I think people are realizing here in North Carolina, that the policies that they support, just make life hard on us, and everything that I want to do makes life better for us.
LEVIN: Say policies they support, Joe Biden has done everything he can to deflect responsibility for what he has done to this country and what he’s done to every single family in this country, so are his surrogates who are running for these various offices in this country.
They point to January 6, they point to Putin, they point to whatever they point to. They don’t take responsibility for anything they’re doing, but should they win, and should you lose, they’re going to double and triple down on what they’re doing, so it’s going to get much worse, is it not?
BUDD: Yes, absolutely. You know, and I think folks that aren’t intrinsically political, which are most people out there. I mean, Mark, you’re a great thinker in the world of politics and our nation, our nation’s history and I appreciate all that you do.
But most people, they don’t pay as close attention, you know, out there. They just want to make their life work. And I think they’re saying, “Hey, politics matter, elections matter, majorities matter.” And so they’re turning out in droves here in North Carolina. Unaffiliated, the remaining Blue Dogs, if there’s still any out there.
And Republicans are saying, “We’ve got to win, we’ve got to win big.” And we sure hope that when we elect good people in office, that they remember us back here in North Carolina.
And I just like to tell the story of my grandfather who was born in 1890, but his family, his motto has become our motto, and that’s just do what you say you’re going to do.
So when you get to Washington, you can’t squish out, you’ve got to stay strong and you’ve got to remember the people back in our home States. And for me, that’s right here in North Carolina, where I was born — born and raised.
LEVIN: In terms of gas prices, they are going up. President Biden has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is outrageous. Inflation is going up. You have the Federal Reserve increasing interest rates and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve the other day is very, very concerned. He is not bullish on the economy.
And yet, when I hear people like Beasley and the others, they want to spend more, they want more deficit spending and they are going to keep the foot on the throat of the oil and other energy industry. So, how would they get out of this?
BUDD: Yes, they can’t. Their ideology doesn’t allow them to solve these problems, and I think that most North Carolinians, all across our country, they’re waking up to that. They said, you can’t change their mind. So we’ve got to change the people. We’ve got to elect Republicans to be in the majority in the Senate, in the House, and in 2024, we’ve got to get a President in the White House that makes life a lot better for us here all across the country.
This goes back to the basics of economics. I think some of your other guests and hopefully, my future colleague, Blake Masters mentioned this. But you know, too much money chasing too few goods and as Milton Friedman would say, that inevitably leads to inflation.
And when you pump trillions of dollars into the economy starting in April of 2021, then you see what it does to us. And it’s just — it has not solved problems, it has made problems worse.
LEVIN: All right, Ted Budd, we wish you all the best. You’re running a heck of a campaign down there against a very radical opponent.
God bless you, sir.
BUDD: Thank you. God bless you, Mark.
LEVIN: We’ll be right back.
LEVIN: Welcome back, America.
We have Lee Zeldin with us, running for Governor of New York.
Early on, he felt that there was need for a change in New York. He gave up his House seat, basically has to run for the governorship in a heavy duty blue Democrat State where the Democrats control really most metropolitan areas especially in New York City, and politically they control the whole State.
So Lee Zeldin, the Democratic Party, Hochul — they’ve all had an opportunity to demonstrate what they’re capable of and it suggests to me that she is not capable of very much, let alone fighting crime and she is completely out of touch, which she demonstrated during the debate.
What is it that you would do for the people of New York and what is it that she’s not doing?
REP. LEE ZELDIN (R-NY): Well, we have to take back our streets and our subway, support our men and women in law enforcement, fire rogue district attorneys who refuse to enforce the law. We need to be protecting freedom, improving the quality of education in our schools, lowering taxes, reversing the State’s ban on the safe extraction of natural gas, approving new pipeline applications.
The list goes on, from enacting voter ID laws and enacting term limits to making sure that we’re ending this rampant pay to play corruption that has plagued Kathy Hochul’s administration.
What Kathy Hochul has been proving that she is capable of doing is causing a lot more damage to pander to pro-criminal allies in the State Legislature, a refusal to hold rogue DA’s accountable. These are people who feel like they can’t possibly spend too much, they can tax too much.
Not only do they ban the safe extraction of natural gas, they want to pass bills that ban that new gas hookups for new construction across the State. They are moving to getting off of gas-powered vehicles over the course of the next decade.
From energy policy, to tax and spend policy, to attacks on freedom, we have seen time and again and of course, the eroding public safety situation. She is unfit to continue serving in this position.
LEVIN: You know, the Democratic Party since Obama and then with Hillary Clinton, with Biden, and now Hochul, as well, they have nothing but contempt for people who disagree with them. They’re used to this one party rule stuff.
It wasn’t that long ago when she basically told all Republicans to leave the state. And of course, during the course of your debate, she acted like she didn’t understand why you kept hammering her and her party on their lack of urgency when it comes to keeping violent criminals in prison. She is completely out of touch, no?
ZELDIN: Right. When I’m talking about how here we are question after question after question about crime, and you still have not yet spoken about the whole locking up the bad guy aspect of fighting crime. She ends up coming after me saying, “I don’t understand why this is so important to you,” which a lot of New Yorkers out there take that as a shot at them, why is it so important to them?
So then she tries to clean it up. So she goes on MSNBC with Al Sharpton, and she is talking about how that this is just a conspiracy what we’re talking about with the need to fight crime. She says that we are data deniers, even though the actual data on all sorts of different major crimes is showing not just an increase year over year, but we’re talking thirty, forty-plus percent increase.
So what we want right now is a Governor who would say that we recognize what it is that you’re experiencing, we’ve seen the videos ourselves, we’ve seen the stories, too. We have a zero tolerance policy. These are solutions to be able to take back our state, like rolling back cashless bail and some of these other pro-criminal laws and hiring more law enforcement inside of New York City.
And instead, what they’re getting is this spin job that we saw last in the 1980s where elected officials were telling us it’s just a perception. There’s nothing to see here. Just look away. That is not the leadership that New Yorkers are demanding. And when I say New Yorkers, I’m talking about Republicans and Democrats and Independents.
LEVIN: And she, of all people to go after, she went after First Responders who refused to get vaccinated. Cops, firefighters, nurses, and doctors, all of whom were on the job working 24/7 in the midst of this virus, and when they wouldn’t follow these preposterous orders, she fired them, and then a Court reversed and said, no, you didn’t have the power to do that. But that is her a knee-jerk reaction to things, isn’t it? Centralized control and demanding that people do what she tells them to do.
ZELDIN: Yes, and during last week’s debate, same thing happened where we are talking about the healthcare worker vaccine mandate, she says that she would do it all over again.
When she was pushing the COVID vaccine, she was telling New Yorkers to be her apostles. That’s not how this works. They’re not there to serve you.
Public service is about serving the public. She’s referred to herself as the mother of New York’s 62 counties. I am able to easily promise that there is no way that I would ever refer to myself as the father of New York’s 62 counties.
She demanded that I get on a bus and move to Florida, declared that I was no longer a New Yorker just because they challenged her. I’m running to be the Governor for all New Yorkers. She’s just looking to have her friends, her allies, if you want to be a close friend, you have to pay the price.
We saw it with the COVID testing, pay to play scandal, no bid over $600 million contract to a top campaign donor; even California, no example of fiscal responsibility, they spent half as much as New York did getting the COVID test directly from the company that actually makes the test as opposed to going through this donor, which inserted itself as a middleman.
So on so many different fronts, New Yorkers feel like they have a government they can’t be proud of, a government that they’re not in control of, and one of the best examples, getting in the heart of your question, where you turn these heroes into zeros with COVID vaccine mandates, the transaction with freedom with government should only go one way and that’s government giving freedoms back.
LEVIN: Well, I hope and I get the sense that the people of New York want their lives back, whether it’s inflation or gas prices or this horrific crime spree. It is clear that the Democrats have demonstrated that they’re not only not going to fix it that, they’re the cause of it, so we wish you all the best, Lee Zeldin, and we hope you’ll get elected Governor of New York. That would be a great thing for the people there and the country as a whole.
God bless you, sir.
ZELDIN: Thank you, Mark.
LEVIN: We’ll be right back.
LEVIN: Welcome back, America.
Years ago, Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform America. My immediate response was, you don’t fundamentally transform something you love, you fundamentally transform something you hate.
Each generation has to stand up to tyranny. The Democratic Party as an institution hates America, at every level. Every reprobate who hates America votes Democrat and registers as a Democrat. That doesn’t mean all Democrats hate America, but certainly their leadership.
We have as Reagan said a rendezvous with destiny on Tuesday. Please vote. Bring voters out with you. Let’s save America.
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