EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Tom Cotton is introducing a resolution in Congress that would block a recent move by the city of Washington, D.C., which allows illegal immigrants to vote in elections, a decision Cotton called an “insane policy.”
The Washington, D.C., City Council voted 12-1 this month to advance a bill that would allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.
The bill, introduced by council member Charles Allen, says that if noncitizens are otherwise qualified to vote, they can do so in local elections as long as they have resided in D.C. for at least 30 days.
The bill was sent to Mayor Muriel Bowser for approval Tuesday and if she clears it, the bill will be transmitted to Congress under the D.C. Home Rule Act. If she vetoes the measure, that veto could be overridden if it has the support of two-thirds of the council, which it does. The only vote against the bill was by council member Mary Cheh, who argued the 30-day time period was too short.
Under the D.C. Home Rule Act, members of Congress are able to block bills passed by the legislature and cleared by the mayor. Once the bill is submitted, it can be voted down if the House and Senate pass Cotton’s resolution of disapproval within 30 days, or else the law will take effect.
“Allowing illegal immigrants to vote is an insult to every voter in America,” Cotton, R-Ark., told Fox News Digital. “Every single Democrat should be on the record about whether they support this insane policy.”
The move has sparked backlash from parties on both sides of the political spectrum.
The Washington Post called it “bad idea” on Monday because it could affect Democrats’ chances in the midterms.
“There’s nothing in this measure to prevent employees at embassies of governments that are openly hostile to the United States from casting ballots,’ the Post’s board pointed out. “Or foreign students who are studying abroad in Washington for a semester.”
The publication acknowledged that this “unwise” and “radical” bill is likely a “progressive” act to promote politics at the local level.
New York City passed a similar bill that also had a 30-day requirement in December 2021. However, that bill quickly faced a legal challenge, and in June, a New York judge ruled that violated the state’s constitution.
Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer and Lindsay Kornick contributed to this report.